Shen presents "A Mixed Bag of Day-old Bagels" (second, fourth, and fifth Tuesdays, 23:00-00:30 UK time; 16:00-17:30 Mountain Time).
This is not a photo of him.
Shen presents "A Mixed Bag of Day-old Bagels" (second, fourth, and fifth Tuesdays, 23:00-00:30 UK time; 16:00-17:30 Mountain Time).
This is not a photo of him.
ExileFM is an online collective of renegade music-lovers seeking to share our eclectic tastes and obsessions with open-eared listeners around the globe. Special thanks to all our team members and listeners; and to Simon Kewer for our ExileFM logos, Dave Gurman and Brian Cleveland for the album mosaic, and multishake.com for website development.
Please note, our management is based in the United Kingdom and broadcasting times are listed in the schedule according to the UK's time zone (GMT or BST). We welcome music submissions but can't promise airplay or a personal response. Please use the "Contact" function to get in touch and include links to relevant information and downloadable mp3 files - thank you.
Individual presenters determine the content of their shows; the views and opinions expressed by DJs or their guests are their own and do not necessarily represent those of ExileFM as a whole.